is providing very fast solutions for receiving Twitter data.

Things we can do:

  • Receive new tweets from any amount of people in real-time, with delays down to only 70ms from tweet creation;
  • You're not technical and just want something like tweetdeck but very fast? We provide interfaces for the data;
  • APIs to get user's info, tweets, followers and following;
  • Forwarding the data to your services with minimal delays;
  • Processing the data and calling the APIs with it (e.g. someone tweets about some ticker and you want to buy it automatically with some logic);
  • Sending tweets to Discord, Telegram, etc.;
  • Any custom services you want.

Most of the solutions are usually done with one-off payments for implementation + monthly payments for maintenance and server cost.

Please contact us at [email protected] to get in touch (available 2024).